
Everything is becoming more confusing. Everything is dividing. Everything is becoming “us” vs “them”. People are just getting more upset each day. No one, including me, even knows what is true any more and who we can or should trust. Those in power abuse it, those without it want it.

We are all just trying to survive. When did we stop caring for each other? It’s all just a mess. I don’t even know what I’m doing any more.

Everything is a game of who has it worse. No one cares about others, only about themselves.

I feel like I am insane, like what I see or believe myself to see happening is unreal, it barely gets acknowledged, and when it does, then it seems like every person is out to get the one with that opinion.

WTF are we supposed to do. How are we supposed to know anything because everything is simultaneously okay and fucked at the same time. The trains of thoughts used for one subject matter are discarded in the discussion of another similar subject matter. We are told exactly who and what we should be, not allowed to decide for ourselves. It becomes harder and harder each day to even know who you are, because clearly who you are is not who “they” want you to be.

Why this insistence on choosing for me. Why the insistence on making me hate others that realistically I have no reason to hate. Yet, why turn people into someone others will hate, willingly.

Even the tools we use these days are not honest. It is decided for us what we are allowed to know, what we are capable of “handling”. As if we are children who can not accept, nor understand, the truth.

I cant even get honest answers from experts anymore.