
How do you say that which you have no words for

I lack the linguistic ability to describe that which partakes within my mind. How can I describe these thoughts, how can I put words to the things that exist within me. How do I do it in a way that proves it is real, or that proves to others that I am not insane.

I speak fluently within my mind. But to transition that into the real world makes me face stutters and blank expressions. How do I explain the noise, the rumble the constant static. The heightened pressure. The constant jitter, and movement between thoughts. The inability to grasp tightly, to only hold on for a few moments before falling off, onto a new thought, just to repeat the process.

I have no words for the things that I feel. I have no words for the things that I think. I have no words for the things that I experience. No words that meet these needs.

Constantly taking stimuli to quiet down as much as I can. To gain focus and regain control. Potentially damaging myself, to just think like others. To be coherent, and to be a functioning human.

One day all this will come to bite me, being this honest to the open world. This will get the better of me. But I don’t believe I am alone in these feelings. I need to help others understand that they are not alone. They are not insane. Because that is how I feel, I feel alone, I feel un-normal.

I am just trying to survive. I am just trying to live, and be happy. I am just trying to be me. I don’t want to be normal, I want to be me. But I want to be me, in a way that I can understand. Not in a way that I can’t explain, not in a way that I can’t understand. I just want to be me.

But how do I get there, how do I get to the place where I can be me, and be understood. How do I get to the place where I can be me, and not be alone. How do I get to the place where I can be me, and be happy.

How do you say that which you have no words for.
