Trip Report 01
2023-10-08 - 2g Albino Penis Envy
I didn’t start the day thinking I was going to be doing mushrooms. It started like most Sundays for me. I woke up, studied a bit and then went to watch TV in the living room. I watched Dr K. and in the video he talks about people requiring idle time in the mind to help process emotions. I took this advice seriously, but thought I would “intensify” the idle time with the use of mushrooms.
I setup a small umbrella outside, with a blanket and a pillow. Took the shrooms and sat in an idle position, preventing myself from moving, and started to meditate. My mind wandered a lot, however each time it did, I tried to bring back my focus to not moving my body, and thus listening to the signals my body was sending me. I continued like this for 3 hours, by which time I thought the shrooms had kicked in, as when I stared at the brick wall in front of me the imperfections turned into eyes and the lines between the bricks started to move like waves.
At the 4h mark I was rather tired of meditating, and went back inside. I felt rather fine with only slight visual effect still lingering.
When I got to the 6h mark after ingesting the shrooms though, it all hit me like a truck. All of a sudden my vision was limited to snapshots of the world. Everything around me was twirling and breathing. My body temperature felt super hot, and my heart beat was constantly above 100 bpm. I first went to go splash my face with water, and then made my way to my bedroom to lay on my bed. After slightly starting to panic, although I knew I would be fine, I went back to the living room to lay down on the couch.
The most intense part of the experience, was that every second felt like I could predict the future. My mind would tell me something would happen, and then it did. Including the supposedly unpredictable actions of others. Every second felt like déjà vu. My eyes obviously started to tear up, as they usually do while on mushrooms, and I just lay down with my eyes closed, my mind empty yet busy at the same time. This continued for another 2h as I would transition between eyes open and eyes shut. Trying to not distract myself with the visuals, and focus on allowing my inner mind to process whatever.
The comedown was extremely smooth, and the afterglow left me feeling extremely content with my life. I was happy to be doing what I do, and being with the people I chose to keep in my life.
It inspired me to seek out new experiences and as such I have started pushing myself to live life, and not constantly be scared and paranoid.
I am very grateful for my experience, and will probably create a regular habit of reminding myself every few months with the assistance of shrooms. However, I have started to see meditation in a much better light than I have before, and thus I am trying to include the routine in my every day life.
Disclaimer: I wouldn’t recommend anyone do anything without being properly educated on the matter, substance, effects, cons, etc … Stay safe with what you do, do anything in a safe environment, and always research and educate yourself about what it is you want to do. 1m