The Center

Pointlessness, in a good way.
Falling down into the void. I look out towards the world and the universe, being the center of it all. Not in the self importance view. The view in which all things infinite have no center, thus to me, I am the closes to a center that there can be.

We woke up one day having never gone to sleep. Such a fascinating statement, as we will be after what we were before, and to the best of our knowledge, that is nothing. Whatever it is we deem to be nothing. Nothing can be anything. If we were to come from nothing, and go towards nothing, why wont it be something.

The universe is dead in the classical sense that it is not alive how we define it to be, yet we are the life of the universe. All a shared but individualistic experience. We gain our own knowledge, that one day gets brought back up into the pool of all. Indefinitely there is no such thing as you and me. We are all thoughts of the whole.

Individual thoughts, the unconscious mind of, for lack of a better more significant word, God. We are the all experiencing itself. Observing and learning to understand itself. Like neurons in the brain, we are all individual pathways, expressing ourselves to generate something new, something never done before. A new concept, a new idea, a new thought.

The universe is a thought, and we are the thoughts of the universe. We are the universe itself. We are the center of everything, and everything is the center of us.

We are the universe, we are the all, the one, the center of it all.
We are the pointlessness of infinity, the nothingness of everything, the end of the beginning, the beginning of the end.
We are the end of the end, the beginning of the beginning.
We are the center of the universe.
We are the universe.

We are nothing.
We are everything.
We are the all.
We are the one.
We are the center.
We are the center of it all