Seeking Pity

Why when sharing ones inner soul, does it feel like you have succumb to the feeling of pity seeking

There is a lot in my life that I am grateful for. I do not believe I live a terrible life. I have surely heard much worse from others, about the lives they have lived. Thus, I feel ashamed to be given a stage in which I can express my experience. Why would I have the right to complain. My life is good. When I express my experience, and I watch the faces and listen to the comments of those around me, I feel confused. Am I making it out to sound worse than what it is? Surely I must be, because why the reaction.

After such an experience I lay wondering if I was exaggerating my claims. Do I remember the events incorrectly?

So many people have told me stories that I feel absolutely heartbroken, for them. How can I do the same to others if my life has not been that bad.

I don’t want to be someone who only tells negative stories, the one that seeks pity from others. I would never judge another for wanting comfort from others. But I do judge myself for imposing my own feelings above someone elses.

Admitting any part of my life was as bad or worse than I remember feels invalid to me.
Its not that bad. Its not that bad. Its not that bad.