
The new days

Moving in has been an experience. One that has not affected me as much as I thought it would. It feels smooth and without huge transitions. Feeling very natural. The days feel like they are how they should be.

There is little to complain about. I am learning new things and having interesting conversations with those I live with. We watch interesting shows and share our own admired forms of content with one another. We motivate each other and help after a long day of work or similar.

My great concern is that I no longer know how life is going on the end that I left behind. How are the days without me. To think of myself as important enough to disrupt their days by being absent is rather egotistical. Yet I have to think about their lives not feeling like it is opening, but that it feels like it is closing. At least, part of it is closing.

Those that are part of the life that I live, seem to be content and pleased with the decision I have made. I am treated better and more like an adult. Through me now “suffering” along-side them, I have gained some of their respect.

The year is almost half. Yet in just over a month, so much has changed, yet nothing feels new. I expected a bigger sense of something, what that is I dont know. Yet I expected to feel more, more of something.

This situation leads to learning new things, and thus I am happy to be forced out of my comfort zone, in a controlled and safe manner.

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