
Conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine Approximating the statistical average or norm

It feels to me like normal has a new meaning each time it is used. Like a filler word, meaning more than what someone is actually saying. I hate the word for this reason. The lack of more refined words we know to use to describe how we feel. Normal seems to have become derogatory at this point, used as an insult, a way to mock someone, even often times a way to shame and control someone.

We do not tell someone they are normal, and mean it politely. At least not often in my experience. With the echo chambers of the internet it is hard to even know what normal is these days. What am I expected to be, because from each person it seems to be different.

Why do I care so much about being the person others want me to be, instead of being who I want to be. That being said, who do I even want to be …

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