I used to sleep 14 hours and still feel empty.
Now I’m watching some guy review movies while he is high at 3 AM.
The thing is — I never remember what happens.
Just the aftermath: sheets kicked.
Jaw sore from clenching. Nails dug half-moons into my palms.
Like my body fought a war while I was away.
YouTube autoplay churns. Thumbs scroll Reddit until my eyes blur. Anything to outlast the need to horizontalize and let the dark win.. Anything to postpone the collapse into sheets that’ll strangle me by dawn.
People say “you must dream something.” Bullshit. It’s all echo, It’s all chemical aftershock. Adrenaline dumped cold down the spine. Legs twitching to sprint nowhere. A scream locked behind the teeth like a caged thing.
4:26 AM. Bolt upright. No reason. Just the primal hum of being trapped in skin that hates me with low serotonin and a high on 180 BPM heartrate.
They don’t tell you about the math of night terrors
The real equation isn’t ‘bad dream = fear’.
It’s ‘survived sleep = being forced to pilot this meat puppet for 18 more hours’
I drink water. Check the door’s locked. Don’t need to piss but go anyway.
Tomorrow I’ll say I’m fine and mean it less.