Mind Bending

The weather is frustrated today.
A day which feels lonely.
Nothing feels quite right.
My chest is tight, my thoughts are spread apart.
Tension sits in my body, my elbows feel compressed, my shoulders are tense.
It is a day to be aware of my body.
To be aware of the tension and to release it.
To be aware of the thoughts and to let them go.
To be aware of the feelings and to let them be.
To be aware of the day and to let it pass.
I am not able to focus on anything.
I am not able to concentrate.

Something feels wrong.
I cant quite explain it.
The notion of normal feels out of place.
There is an intense desire to withdrawl from it all.
Is there something I refuse to deal with?
Am I hiding from something?
Is something coming for me?
Or is it the other way around?

I feel like I am standing on the edge of a cliff and about to fall and about to hit the ground, I am about to die, I am about to be forgotten, I am about to be alone.

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