Main Character
I grew up with a steady stream of media, promoting a protagonist, someone who is the centre of all attention, someone around which the world revolves.
No wonder I had all these big ideas and plans, believing I, somehow me, is the centre of the universe. Placing such importance on the actions I choose, as it would affect anyone and everyone … such bullshit
The truth is, even on a small scale, my life means nothing to many. The choices I make may have ripples, but very rarely will they be waves.
What I choose to do, and what I choose to say, will pass by most ears. If caught, again most would discard.
I choose to do what I consider to be good, at least I try to, most of the time. I make decisions trying to consider not only myself and I place enormous, some would say an unhealthy, amount of weight in my choices and actions. Living my life as if it had importance. Knowing full well that I care about the success of others, much more than I care about it for myself.
Supporting others feels good. It gives me pleasure. Placing the needs of those I care about above my own, making small sacrifices, gives me a feeling of small importance.
I care little about my own well-being. But I can see in most that they strive for and fight for something. So I don’t mind spending my energy in order to help them grow.
I am happy not to be the main character.