When do you die?

Is it possible to die before your death?
And I don’t mean the classical, no-feelings die, like we all have.
I mean to die and then to live life.
To live as though you have already died.
To live life knowing you will one day not be able to look back to today, but moments before then you will.
To live life as though you are talking to that you in the future, and telling them, everything is going to be okay.
That you have lived a life, the life you could live, and that there is peace when looking back towards the end.
To have stillness in the mind. Acceptance. Calming of fear.
Living life.
We are not perfect, our lives can not be perfect, our execution can not be perfect, and the timing of our death can not be perfect.
We must live as though we can live a life we aught not have time to live.
I must live my life, the life I have now.
The only life I know myself to have.