Brain Fog

My head makes me feel like a sailor in the middle of the ocean on a foggy night with no lighthouse in sight. Like water having to move from one side of a sponge through to the other side. Every thought being caught in a barrier that rips them apart.

Like muddy water I can not see my thoughts. They speed away faster than I can move. They change direction in attempts to evade me. I am unable to catch or tag, left all alone.

I can not look towards the future and plan, I can not look at the past and remember. I can barely look towards the now and experience

It disrupts my life. Damages my relationships, and renders me defeated.

My mind feeling heavy. Moving like a fish tank full of water, carrying momentum in each direction pulled, but chaotic with every direction being pulled simultaneously, unable to distinguish the noise from the desired thought.

I wish for the silence, that would allow for focus